Sell Crafts Online: 7-Step Quick-Start Guide

If you enjoy crafting in your spare time, the idea of selling your crafts online for extra cash has probably crossed your mind at least once. Until now, you may have dismissed the idea of actually going into business for yourself. After all, you’re just a small-town, spare-time crafter. And setting up a business is hard. Selling crafts online sounds great, but you don’t even know where to begin.

The truth is that setting up a business to sell crafts online is easier than ever. Lots of talented indie crafters just like you have done it – and many are now enjoying prosperous careers selling crafts online.  These seven simple steps will get you on the ground and running.

Selling Crafts Online

Image via Flickr by Salicia

1. Identify your motivation

Some people may call this finding your “why.” Call it what you like, but it boils down to figuring out what it is that drives you to want to start your business. Money? Success? A passion for creating that you want to share with the world?

2. Choose your products


There are dozens of different types of crafts

Image via Flickr by lisaclarke

What are you going to sell? “Crafts” is not an adequate description of your product offerings. Specializing in one specific craft, those made from certain materials, or created using a specific process can help you market your products better.

3. Describe your ideal customer

Think about the one person most likely to buy your crafts online and write a detailed description of this person. She’s not a real person you know, but a fictional personality who would scramble to be the first in line to buy your products. Include demographic details, social characteristics, interests, family and home situations, and anything else you can think of.

4. Analyze your competition

Craft Fair Competition

Image via Flickr by niXerKG

If you want to sell crafts online, it’s important to realize that you won’t be the only one doing so. That’s why a competitive analysis is valuable. Check out online communities like Etsy and search for other indie businesses that sell crafts online. When you know what your competition is doing, it’s easier to set yourself apart by doing things differently.

5. Write your business plan

Yes, you need a business plan to sell crafts online. You could certainly push forward without one. But if we told you that you’re practically guaranteed more success if you start with a business plan, would it change your mind? Thought so.

6. Set up your website

While you could take the approach of selling your crafts online through other platforms like Etsy, Ebay or Craigslist, customers will take you much more seriously if you have your own professional website. Never met a line of HTML code in person? That’s why IndieMade exists – so creative entrepreneurs like you can build a professional website with no coding required.

7. Start marketing

Now that you have clear plans in place and your online presence is set up, you’re ready to start getting the word out about your new business! There are tons of ways to market your business online, and it’s a lot of fun. Check out our Resources section for great indie marketing ideas.

If you’ve been thinking about ways to sell crafts online, this is really all it takes. No more excuses for not following your dreams. The world is waiting for your products!