Creative Business
Many creative business owners find the business side of art dull, tedious, and maybe even a little scary, but managing your company's money doesn't have to turn into a chore. Here, we've shared tips from the experts on handling the business side of art, from accounting basics to financial software solutions, without losing your mind.
Be Your Own Boss - Start an Indie Business!
Marketing for Artists: Lightbox SF and Shana Astrachan Team Up with TechShop for DIY Marketing Class
Selling Wholesale to Retailers: Interview with Sales Rockstar Meryl Hooker
Indie Craft Fair: Urban Folk Circuit Travels Around Chicago
Chicago artisans Kelli Wefenstette and Jessica Duff believe that every Chicago resident should have easy access to quality handmade wares, right in their own neighborhoods. As they grew their own handmade businesses, though, they realized that most craft fairs were concentrated in the same parts of the city, and many were costly for crafters in both time and money.
Craft Business News: Bazaar Bizarre Holiday Craft Show Hits San Francisco
Friday December 3 & 4 marked the 5th annual Bazaar Bizarre Holiday Craft Show. Crafters from all over the Bay Area and beyond set up shop at the San Francisco Concourse Exhibition Center to display their rocking wares for the weekend. Bazaar Bizarre was more than just your ordinary craft fair!
Find Creative Inspiration by Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone
Novelist Molly Moynahan moved out of her comfort zone and found creative inspiration by attending Gong Lab's Suite for Dreamers.
a guest post by Molly Moynahan
At 50 + I sometimes feel I’ve earned my place on the couch, in bed, watching television or reading Oprah, congratulating myself on my specialness, cat on lap, chocolate at the ready. And then it hits me that I am becoming one of those people I once pitied, inert, pathetic, declining opportunities to be creatively moved to remain static.