So, you’ve started a craft blog, and things are going well. You’re posting a couple days a week and you have a couple of readers. How can you make an artist blog better? It’s all about your content. You need to create content that will have people coming to your blog, but more importantly, coming back to your blog again and again You want your content to be interesting and informative. Here are some ways that you can create informative and meaningful craft blog posts that will make your audience grow!
Tutorials and Projects
We all love to craft and create, it’s what we do! And more than likely, the people reading your artist blog love to craft too. Think about projects that you’d like to produce. Are you going to make a nice card for your friend’s birthday? Take some pictures while you make it and show your audience how to make the same card along with you. As crafters, we’re always seeking out new things to make or new techniques to try. Anytime you make something for a friend or just start working on a new project, photograph it and document what you are working on and learning along the way. These are always the most popular posts on blogs.
Sharing Information

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From discovering a new product to a link on business help, the sharing of information is valuable. Whenever you stumble across an interesting article on running an independent business, share it on your craft blog! Don’t assume that because you’re reading it, everyone has already read it. Linking to other sites will also help bring traffic to your craft blog. It’s a win/win!
Having artist spotlights on your artist blog is great for many reasons. For starters, you’re giving that artist a warm fuzzy feeling when you let him or her know about the blog feature. Just imagine how you would feel, or how you’ve felt, if another blogger showcased one of your items on his or her craft blog! By linking to another artist blog or site, you can also bring traffic to your blog. Plus, it helps to create bonds and build relationships with like-minded people. This is an awesome and invaluable by-product of blogging.
Making Personal Interesting
There is nothing wrong with interjecting your personal life into your craft blog. It is up to you how much to share, but keep in mind that a simple post about the farmer’s market isn’t really all that interesting. To make it interesting and informational, think about what you can write about in relation to the farmer’s market trip. What did you buy there? Did you take photos? You might then share a recipe for your fresh salsa with the tomatoes you bought. Did you go for a nice hike in the woods today? Maybe after you show some pictures from your walk, you can link to an artist that sells really nice nature-inspired home accessories. Always be thinking of ways to spin your personal life into an interesting and informational post.
The key tip is to write craft blog posts and content that you would want to read. Creating interesting posts isn’t hard when you realize that your daily life holds great inspiration and content. Ultimately, these posts will keep people coming back to your blog and you will begin to build a great audience.